The world is not going to end, idiots. There’s no money in it.

Hack and I are absolutely killing it right now with writing. That’s good because I’m getting tired of the same old fucking songs. I love all of my songs, but it’s time to move on.

I’ve rejoined Green Jelly. There is no life after Doug Hell. Ask any of my scorned exes.

This does not mean my sentiments have changed about Green Jelly. I stand firm. I don’t have time to be fake. Unless of course I’m exposing a disgusting lying subhuman piss flap. Don’t listen to what they tell you, people. Revenge is fucking delicious.

I got fired from my job. That’s fine. It leaves more time for music, fitness, and fucking. Oh blessed fucking.

Everything is turning out Doug Hell. I’m happy. I’ve reconnected with my childhood best friend. The laughs are immense. I’m lucky to have my health and talent. I’m beautiful, and wise.

Just remember, being a good person isn’t something you are. It’s something you do. So give the best version of yourself to those who deserve it. And cut off the rest. Fucking neuter them.

Love DH